On style, and whether or not I have it

I'd really like to say that I have a "summer style," and that it involves a lot of loose dresses, flowing silky hair, and soft white linen. But that would be a lie (and not only because I'd never be able to keep that white linen clean). I've never managed to pull together a wardrobe cohesive enough, with an adequate number of staples, to have a "look" or a "style." My mom cals me artistic, but I know that's code for weird and eclectic.

I'm going to try to change that this fall. It will be a challenge, though. Living in the southwest means we don't have the seasons that the other 3/4 of the country gets, so I'll have to get a little (read: a lot) creative (starting with summer would have been a lot easier). I'll have to work with colors and texture to get the autumn-y effect I want, rather than replying on the items of clothing to do that for me.

Selecting a color palette seems like a good place to start. I looked at a few on Pinterest (oh, Pinterest - what did we ever do without you?) and tweaked the colors a bit on colorpalletes.net - et voila!

It may not be perfect, maybe a little juvenile, but it's a start. The two colors on the ends are good neutrals, and of course the whole palette works with black and white (what doesn't?). I think it'll be less bright and contrast-y in clothes form. 

Up next, mood board time. 

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